Avoid common risky driving behaviors

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Avoid common risky driving behaviors

Most drivers can name those bad behaviors that lead to car accidents. Even new and inexperienced drivers are well aware of the things they should not do while driving. Yet research shows that many of these same drivers admit to engaging in those behaviors, and not just once or twice, but frequently.

Distracted driving has become a key issue in overall driving safety. Statistically, more than 1.5 million accidents nationwide are thought to be caused by some type of cell phone use while driving, and experts estimate that as many as 25% of accidents can be attributed directly to talking or texting while driving. But using a cell phone isn’t the only distraction for drivers, and any time a driver’s attention is drawn away from the road, accidents can happen.

Risky behaviors while driving

  • Talking on any device
  • Texting
  • Putting on makeup
  • Eating
  • Reaching into a bag or purse
  • Reaching into the back seat

What surveys show

Driver safety surveys and questionnaires show that drivers recognize that distracted or aggressive driving is dangerous, but many admit to engaging in these habits anyway.

  • Up to half admit to using a hand-held device either to talk or text while driving
  • Nearly 40% say they have run a red light, made sudden lane changes or tailgated when distracted or in a hurry.
  • Close to half of drivers say they have missed a stop sign because they were distracted and fewer than 75% actually come to a complete stop when they do observe one.

For responsible drivers, making better decisions about driving activities needs to be less about getting caught and more about reducing the risk of an accident. While drivers overall have chosen to slow down and are less likely to get behind the wheel when they are tired, the cell phone continues to be a temptation many cannot resist.

Resist bad behavior

  • Put your cell phone in a place where it is not visible while you are driving.
  • Use a call blocking feature so your cell phone does not ring.
  • If you are using your phone for navigation, set your trip before you begin and place your phone in a holder where you can see it safely without touching it.
  • Allow yourself time to get to your destination so you are not tempted to speed or multitask while driving. (i.e., eating or putting on makeup)
  • Stop in a safe location if you need to make a call or get something out of a bag or the backseat.

At HD Auto Care, we prefer to see your car for routine maintenance rather than repairs needed due to an accident that could have been avoided. Be safe and schedule your maintenance check today.